What's On?

What's On?

10:30-10:45am Individual Prayer.
10:45am Gospel Service - with communion.
12noon Well-being Café.

Monthly Friday
6-7pm Church Family Prayer.

(4th April, 2nd May, 13th June)

Community Groups

Home Tutoring
By appointment.
Contact Andy: 07535594994.

'Restore And Transform.'
(Nutrition Advice & Studio Workout.)

Mondays & Tuesdays, 6:30-8:30pm

& Saturdays, 10-11am
Contact Natalie: 07852793864.

'St Oswald's Players.'

(Amateur Dramatics.)
Wednesdays, 1-3pm
Contact Carol: 07825752071.

'Fitness Training.' 

Wednesdays, 6-7pm
Contact Philip: 07954581771.

Meeting Outlines

Sunday 2nd March

10:30-10:45am  Individual prayer.

10:45am  Ezra 3:8-13

‘Rebuilding the temple.’


Ash Wednesday 5th March: Lent begins.


Friday 7th March

6-7pm  Church Family Prayer.


Sunday 9th March

10:30-10:45am Individual prayer.

10:45am Ezra 4:1-6

‘Friend or foe?’

12noon 97th Anniversary Lunch.


Sunday 16th March

10:30-10:45am Individual prayer.

10:45am  Ezra 4:7-16

‘A poison pen letter.’


Friday 21st March

@ The Overflowing Cup

7:30pm ‘Word Alive.’

Philip Dyson. ‘Romans 15:13

‘so that by the power of the Holy Spirit…’


Saturday 22nd March

@ Church On The Way

9:30am-3pm ‘Deeper.’

Dan Strange ‘Making faith magnetic: connecting our culture to Christ’


Sunday 23rd March

10:30-10:45am Individual prayer.

10:45am Open Word:

‘What did you learn at Deeper?’


Mothering Sunday 30th March

10:30-10:45am  Individual prayer.

10:45am Ezra 4:17-24

‘Grinding to a halt.’

Well-being Café

Sundays, 12noon. 
Free tea, coffee or hot chocolate (all Fairtrade) with fresh fruit and biscuits.
All welcome.

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